Monday, 23 March 2020

Hesychiatic Film

Hesychiatic film is the object of a seeking.
There are no spectators to Hesychiatic film. Hesychiatic film is not experienced.
The perception of Hesychiatic film is the fruit of the percipient’s search for himself.
Go into your closet.

The cinema is the market-place for film-products.
Film-products function to startle attention. Attention to attention being caught.
Pre-empting active attention, the percipient is dispelled by the flood of the peddled experience.
Let them not choke your wills unawares.

Watching Hesychiatic film is a subtentional event.
Hesychiatic film is pre-empted. Anticipated by a devoted attention.
The cinema is not the home of Hesychiatic film. Hesychiatic film is solitary communion.
Devotions upon emergent occasions.

Hesychiatic film bids you approach.
Hesychiatic film cannot be seen from a cinema seat or customary place on a sofa.
Bodily engagement is consonant with the attention called upon by the Hesychiatic film.
Mount guard, be vigilant, keep watch.

No budgets, no returns, accompany Hesychiatic film.
No credits and no careers are carried by Hesychiatic film.
No roles are available in the creation of Hesychiatic film. No titles attend.
To be lifted up with dignities is a way of little peace.


Notes on Hesychiatic Film

“Out of Estrangement” – a Hesychiatic film (2020)